A residence that might remind you of that unique hotel in Magdeburg or that colourful gym where you used to train for tampon hockey.

In collaboration with Anouk van Klaveren I created a habitat based on “Standards for the Accommodation and Care of Animals in Zoos and Aquaria”. This document is drafted by EAZA (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) and used by ARTIS as a guideline to furnish the accommodations of the animals within the park. In a former bear stay, we present our interpretation of these guidelines to create a Bed&Breakfast; a residence that might remind you of that unique hotel in Magdeburg or that colourful gym where you used to train for tampon hockey.

For availibility and bookings, please contact the artists. 

8. art=ARTIS_A residence that might remind you of that unique hotel in Magdeburg or that colourful gym where you used to train for tampon hockey_ by Anouk van Klaveren and Dewi Bekker .JPG
9. art=ARTIS_A residence that might remind you of that unique hotel in Magdeburg or that colourful gym where you used to train for tampon hockey_ by Anouk van Klaveren and Dewi Bekker .JPG
5. art=ARTIS_A residence that might remind you of that unique hotel in Magdeburg or that colourful gym where you used to train for tampon hockey_ by Anouk van Klaveren and Dewi Bekker .jpg

Standards for accommodation and care

1.1 Routine observation of the guests
1. Your condition and health will be checked daily by the persons in charge of your care for that particular day.
2. If you are noted to be unduly stressed, sick or injured you will receive immediate attention and, where necessary, treatment.

1.2 Accommodation - Space, Exercise and Grouping
We provide a high standard of accommodation for all the guests in their care, both on-show and off-show, permanent and temporary. Best Practice Guidelines (when available) should be consulted when available and their recommendations implemented wherever possible. Our Accommodation takes account of your welfare, your space and social needs, appropriate management by staff and appropriate display to the public. Important considerations that we take account of are:
1. Provision of a physical space that is appropriate to you, taking account of your three- dimensional needs.
2. You will be provided with an environment, space and furniture sufficient to allow such exercise as is needed for your welfare.
3. Our design takes account of your management needs. This includes:
a. Safe and appropriate presentation of food and water.
b. Management of social conflict through separation areas, visual barriers and other means, including accommodation for guests temporarily separated from a group.
c. Catch-up facilities.
d. Introduction, quarantine and health-care facilities.
e. A safe and appropriate cleaning regime.
f. Environmental and behavioural enrichment.
4. Your room will be of sufficient size and guests to be so managed-
a. to avoid you are being unduly dominated by individuals;
b. to avoid the risk of persistent and unresolved conflict between group members or between different species in mixed rooms.
c. to ensure that the physical carrying capacity of the room is not over-burdened;
d. to prevent an unacceptable build-up of parasites and other pathogens.
5. You will never be unnaturally provoked for the benefit of the viewing public.
6. Provision of facilities for good observation of the room by staff.
7. Provision of a high standard of public viewing experience, that demonstrates fully your behaviours, and which is consistent with the educational messages and strategies relevant.

1.3 Accommodation - Comfort and Well-being

1. The environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity, ventilation, seasonal changes and lighting of your room will be suitable for your comfort and your well-being at all times, including holding quarters and/or off-exhibit housing and in particular -
a. consideration to be given to your needs of pregnant and newly-borns;
b. newly arrived guests to be fully acclimatized bearing in mind that this may be only a gradual process;
c. Your outdoor room will be provided with sufficient shelter from inclement weather or excessive sunlight where this is necessary for your comfort and well-being.

1.4 Social group management
1. We facilitate a social unit that reflects the life history, so you have sufficient flexibility to adapt towards changing group dynamics.
2. Before introducing a new individual to a social group, an assessment should be made of its adaptability to the group and consequently the implications for his individual welfare, as well as yours.

1.5 Encouragement of natural behaviour and minimising of unnatural behaviour
1. We will encourage you to perform as much of your natural behavioural repertoire as possible and acceptable. Whenever possible unnatural behaviour will be prevented or actively discouraged. Important elements in achieving this are room design, environmental and behavioural enrichment and feeding regimes (see above).

1.6 Furnishings
1. Our design takes account of behavioural needs and behavioural management, allowing adequate spatial separation between individuals or subgroups.
2. Provision of a rich environment of appropriate structures within the space that enable you to express your behavioural repertoire as fully as possible.
3. We furnished the room, in accordance with your needs, with such items as bedding material, perching, vegetation, burrows, variety of substrates, climbing structures, appropriately designed nest boxes, refuges and hiding places.
4. We provide appropriate environmental and behavioural enrichment.

1.7 Bringing other species
1. Mixing species in your room can create a more natural display for the visitors, potentially enrich your stay and provide space necessary for population management.
2. When allowing you to bring other species, we ensure that housing conditions are an acceptable standard for the welfare of all species. The potential positive and negative welfare implications for species combinations should be carefully assessed prior to introduction and monitored after the introduction. At the very least the following points must be part of the assessments:
3. Trauma risk;
4. Hierarchy and potential nutrition-related problems;
5. Transmissible viral and bacterial diseases;
6. Parasitic disease transfer between species.
7. We will conduct research into the successes and failures of mixed species rooms and share information within the community.

1.8 Free ranging
1. Crossbreeding with locals must be avoided at all times.

1.9 Prevention of Stress or Harm
1. We maintain your room in a condition which presents no likelihood of harm, and in particular -
a. any defect noted within your room to be repaired or replaced without delay;
b. any defect likely to cause harm to be rectified at once or, if this is not possible, you will be removed from the possibility of any contact with the source of the danger;
c. any vegetation capable of harming you will be kept out of reach.
2. All plant and fixed equipment, including electrical apparatus, we installed in such a way that it does not present a hazard and its safe operation cannot be disrupted by our guests.
3. Rubbish in your room will be cleared regularly to avoid any possibility of harm.
4. Smoking is prohibited in your room, in parts of buildings where other rooms are located and in areas where food is stored or prepared.
5. Our services are carried out under the supervision of, competent trained authorised staff; and this to be done with care, in a way which will avoid unnecessary discomfort, behavioural stress or actual physical harm.
6. Any direct physical contact between you and the visiting public only to be under the control of zoo staff and for periods of time and under conditions consistent with your welfare and not leading to your discomfort.
7. When organising events, we ensure these are organised and performed such that they keep your disturbance at a minimum. The effect of events on your welfare should be assessed and changes implemented where necessary.

1.10 Food and Drink
1. Our diet is considered to be “nutritionally balanced” when it provides appropriate levels of known dietary essential nutrients based on current knowledge and information.
2. Dieticians or other specialist advice to be obtained and followed concerning all aspects of nutrition.
3. Food and drink provided will be of the nutritive value and quantity required for you, bearing in mind the condition, size and age of each guest; the need to allow for special circumstances (e.g. fast days or longer periods of fast or hibernation) and special diets for certain guests (e.g. guests undergoing a course of treatment, or pregnant guests).
4. A nutritionally balanced diet will be provided in a suitable form and correct proportion based on the most appropriate behavioural and physiological needs.
5. Our nutritionally complete diet will also stimulate natural feeding behaviours encouraging, whenever reasonably possible, you will obtain food in a manner similar to that at home and should allow a similar amount of time to be spent on feeding
6. Food used for guest will be of adequate quality and checked before it is used to ensure it is in good condition and appropriate to offer.
7. We put effort into ensuring foods have a sustainable origin, wherever possible.
8. When serving live prey, local legislation must be followed, and the welfare of the prey must be taken into consideration to ensure stress is minimised.
9. Accepting food from visitors is not permitted.
10. Our Supplies of food and drink are stored, prepared and offered under hygienic conditions.
11. Natural behaviour, particularly social aspects will be considered when offering food and drink, and feeding and drinking receptacles if used, will be placed so as to be accessible to every guest in the room.

1.11 Sanitation and control of disease
Proper standards of hygiene, both in respect of the personal hygiene of the staff and that of the rooms will be maintained, and in particular -
1. Special attention is given to the cleaning of rooms and equipment within them, to reduce the risk of disease or disease transfer;
2. Non-toxic cleaning agents are readily available, along with supplies of water and the means to apply them;
3. Advice is obtained and followed regarding all cleaning and sanitation requirements of rooms or other areas following identification of an infectious disease.
4. The drainage of our room is capable of removing efficiently all excess water.
5. Any open drains, other than those carrying potable water, are outside areas to which you have access.
6. Refuse material are regularly removed and disposed of.
7. A safe and effective programme for the control of pests and, where necessary, predators are established and maintained throughout the institution. Guest cannot leave the zoo and create an ecological threat for natives.
8. Staff is instructed to report immediately if they have contracted or are in contact with any infection which they have reason to believe could be transmitted to, and adversely affect the health of, anyone; and management then to take appropriate action.
9. Staff is instructed to report in confidence any other disability which might affect their capacity to manage you in a safe and competent manner; and management then to take appropriate action.